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Opin vísindi (repository): ORCID

This is the digital repository for peer reviewed articles published in open access by Icelandic universities

What is ORCID

Before submitting a work authors must apply for ORCID ID.

ORCID ID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. With ORCID ID the different  versions of the names of authors are all gathered together under one umbrella. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.


Many funding bodies and research funds now demand that authors have an ORCID ID, because it makes it easy for them to acquire information about them and their work on their ORCID homepage. Therefore it is important for all authors to apply for an ORCID ID.

Applying for ORCID

It is easy to apply for ORCID ID at

Under For Researcher click on Register for an ORCID ID

Fill out the form, accept the conditions and click on  Register.

You will recevie an email to the address you gave up, it is necessary to click on Verify your email address to activate your account.

At your home page you can  add information about your education, employment etc. ORCID ID is 16 characters and appears under your name.